Synthesis, Properties and Crystal Structure of Bis(tetra(n-butyl)ammonium) Bisnitrophthalocyaninatoruthenate(II)


Tetra(n-butyl)ammonium nitrite reacts with ‘dichlorophthalocyaninatoruthenium(III) acid’ to yield bis(tetra(n-butyl)ammonium) bisnitrophthalocyaninatoruthenate(II). It crystallizes monoclinic with crystal data: a = 15.114(4) Å, b = 22.34(3) Å, c = 18.206 (11) Å, β = 90.88(5)°; space group P1 21/n 1, Z = 4, and its X-ray crystal structure has been determined. Ru is located in the centre of the slightly distorted phthalocyaninate dianion, and is coordinated to two nitrite ions through their nitrogen (N) atoms in a staggered trans-configuration. The average Ru - N p ( Np pyrrolic N atoms) and Ru -N distance is 1.978(6) and 2.068(5) Å, respectively. The electrochemical and spectroscopic properties (IR, resonance Raman, UV/vis) of the compound are in full agreement with its molecular structure.

1981 ◽  
Vol 36 (10) ◽  
pp. 1208-1210 ◽  
Hartmut Köpf ◽  
Joachim Pickardt

Abstract The molecular structure of the bridged [1]-titanocenophane 1,1'-dimethylsilylene titanocene dichloride, (CH3)2Si(C5H4)2TiCl2, has been investigated by an X-ray structure determination. Crystal data: monoclinic, space group C2/c, Z = 4, a = 1332.9(3), 6 = 988.7(3), c = 1068.9(3) pm, β = 113.43(2)°. The results are compared with the structural dimensions of similar compounds: 1,1'-methylene titanocene dichloride, CH2(C5H4)TiCl2, with the unbridged titanocene dichloride, (C5H5)2TiCl2 and the ethylene-bridged compound (CH2)2(C5H4)2TiCl2

1994 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-35 ◽  
Marius Andruh ◽  
Herbert W. Roesky ◽  
Mathias Noltemeyer ◽  
Hans-Georg Schmidt

Abstract The reaction of [Mn{N(SiMe3)2}2 (THF)] 1 with 2,2'-bipyridine (2,2'-bipy), 1,10-phenan-throline (1,10-phen) and 4,4'-bipyridine (4,4'-bipy) yields three new complexes: [Mn(2,2'-bipy){N(SiMe3)2}2] 2, [Mn(1,10-phen){N(SiMe3)2}2] 3, and [Mn(4,4'-bipy){N(SiMe3)2}2] · THF 4. The crystal structure of 3 reveals mononuclear species with pseudo-tetrahedral coordinated manganese(II) ions. Crystal data for 3: orthorhombic, a = 1741.0(2), b = 1879.3(3), c = 1967.0(3) pm, V = 6.436(2) nm3, Z = 8, space group Pbca. Compound 4 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P 21/c; the lattice parameters are: a = 2139.5(3), b = 925.30(10), c = 1786.4(2) pm, β = 101.34(1)°, V= 3.4675(7) nm3, Z = 4. The molecular structure of 4 consists of zig-zag infinite chains, with bridging 4,4'-bipyridine groups.

1997 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-64 ◽  
Stefan Sawusch ◽  
Uwe Schilde ◽  
Erhard Uhlemann

Ligand exchange reactions of tetrachloro-bis(triphenylphosphane)rhenium(IV) with sali-cylaldehyde-2-hydroxy(mercapto)anil were studied. The reaction products were characterized by mass spectroscopy. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray analysis for bis[sali-cylaldehyd-2-hydroxyanilato(2-)]rhenium(IV). Crystal data: a = 1987.1(18); b = 829.0(6), c = 1296.9(7) pm, β = 100.02(7)° ; space group C 2/c; Z = 4

1983 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 253 ◽  
AC McDonell ◽  
TW Hambley ◽  
MR Snow ◽  
AG Wedd

The salts Ph4As [ReO(SPh)4].MeCN and Ph4As [ReO(SePh)4] have been synthesized and characterized. The crystal and molecular structure of the thiolate compound has been determined by X-ray crystallography which reveals a square-pyramidal arrangement of ligand atoms around the central rhenium atom of the [ReO(SPh)4]- anion. Crystal data: a 9.756(4), b 18.171(3), c 25.684(4) �, space group P212121, Z 4.

1986 ◽  
Vol 51 (11) ◽  
pp. 2521-2527 ◽  
Jan Lokaj ◽  
Eleonóra Kellö ◽  
Viktor Kettmann ◽  
Viktor Vrábel ◽  
Vladimír Rattay

The crystal and molecular structure of SnBu2(pmdtc)2 has been solved by X-ray diffraction methods and refined by a block-diagonal least-squares procedure to R = 0.083 for 895 observed reflections. Monoclinic, space group C2, a = 19.893(6), b = 7.773(8), c = 12.947(8) . 10-10 m, β = 129.07(5)°, Z = 2, C20H38N2S4Sn. Measured and calculated densities are Dm = 1.38(2), Dc = 1.36 Mg m-3. Sn atom, placed on the twofold axes, is coordinated with four S atoms in the distances Sn-S 2.966(6) and 2.476(3) . 10-10 m. Coordination polyhedron is a strongly distorted octahedron. Ligand S2CN is planar.

1989 ◽  
Vol 44 (5) ◽  
pp. 553-556 ◽  
Th. Fetzer ◽  
A. Lentz ◽  
T. Debaerdemaeker

Single crystals of Cu(pz)Br2 and Cu(pz)Cl2 were grown by using gel methods with tetramethoxysilane as the gel-forming reagent. Thermal decomposition is interpreted. Crystal data for the bromo complex: monoclinic, space group C2/m with a = 1239.2(3) pm, b = 685.9(2) pm, c = 390.7(3) pm, β = 96,23(5)°. Crystal data for the chloro-complex: monoclinic, space group C2/m with a = 1197.1(3) pm, b = 684.9(3) pm, c = 370.1(3) pm, β = 95.96(5)°. Crystal structure analyses reveal that CuHal2 molecules are bonded by pyrazine to form linear chains. These chains are cross-linked by bridging halogen atoms.

1997 ◽  
Vol 52 (7) ◽  
pp. 810-814 ◽  
Hans-Christian Böttcher ◽  
Kurt Merzweiler ◽  
Clemens Bruhn

Abstract The reaction of the phosphido-bridged metal carbonyl [FeRh(CO)6(μ-PBut2)] (1) with dppm [dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane] leads to the heterobimetallic complex [FeRh(μ-CO)(CO)3(μ-PBut2)(μ-dppm)] (2) in good yields. The molecular structure of 2 was determined at room temperature [triclinic, space group P1̄, a = 9.509(6), b = 13.637(5), c = 14.926(8) Å, α = 81.38(4), β = 82.75(4), γ = 71.25(4)°]. The compound acts as a homogeneous catalyst precursor in the hydroformylation reaction of ethylene, but it decomposes during this process.

1986 ◽  
Vol 41 (7) ◽  
pp. 825-830 ◽  
Hans-Günter Hauck ◽  
Wolfgang Willing ◽  
Ulrich Müller ◽  
Kurt Dehnicke

AbstractThe thionitrosyl-halothionitrene com pounds (PPh4)2[ReX4(NS)(NSX)]·2 CH2X2, X = Cl or Br, are obtained by nucleophilic ring cleavage of the Re(N2S2) rings of complexes [ReX4(N2S2)]⊖ with PPh4X in CH2X2. (AsPh4)2[ReCl4(NS)(NSCl)] · CH2Cl2 can also be obtained by the reaction of [ReCl4(NSCl)(POCl3)] with S(NSiMe3)2 and subsequent addition of AsPh4Cl. The pyridine complex [ReBr2(NS)(NSBr)(NC5H5)2] · CH2Br2 forms by bromination of the corresponding chloro compound with Me3SiBr. The IR spectra are reported. The crystal structure of (PPh4)2[ReBr4(NS)(NSBr)] · CH2Br2 was determ ined by X-ray diffraction (4158 independent observed reflexions, R = 0.059). Crystal data: a = 1039.7, b - 1232.5, c - 2158.4 pm, α = 81.59, β = 87.05, γ = 77.06°, Z = 2, space group P1̄. The compound consists of PPh4⊕ ions, CH2Br2 molecules, and anions [ReBr4(NS)(NSBr)]2⊖ in which the rhenium atoms are coordinated by four bromine atoms, one thionitrosyl and one brom othionitrene group. The latter have cis arrangement and ReN bond lengths of 186 pm. W hereas the thionitrosyl group is nearly linear, the R = N = SBr group has an ReNS angle of 165°.

1994 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 441-444 ◽  
Alexander V. Sienkiewicz ◽  
Anatoliy A. Kapshuk

The crystal and molecular structure of the tetrameric complex of the composition [SbCl3·OP(NCS)3]4 synthesized from SbCl3 and OP(NCS)3 in CCl4 waso determined by X-ray crystallography [143 m space group, cubic system with a = 13.927(4) Å]. The complex exhibits a tetranuclear "cage" structure with a [Sb4O4] core which consists of μ3-bridging oxygen and six coordinate antimony(III) atoms; the Sb-O distance, 3.060 Å, is exceptionally long.

2000 ◽  
Vol 55 (7) ◽  
pp. 576-582 ◽  
Katerina E. Gubina ◽  
Vladimir A. Ovchynnikov ◽  
Vladimir M. Amirkhanov ◽  
Helmut Fischer ◽  
Rüdiger Stumpf ◽  

Abstract The coordination compounds of the general formula Ln(HL)2(NO3)3, (where Ln = La - Eu (without Pm), HL = C6H5C(O)NHP(O)[N(CH3)2]2, N,Nʹ-tetramethyl-Nʺ-benzovlphosphoryl-triamide) have been synthesized and characterized by means of IR, UV-VIS, 1H, 31P NMR spectroscopy, and X-ray analysis. The complexes are isostructural according to X-ray powder diffraction studies. The crystal structure of the cerium(lll) complex has been determined. Crystal data: monoclinic, P21/c, with a = 10.503(9), b = 15.62(2), c = 21.91(2) Å, β = 99.56(8)°, Z = 4, V = 3546(6) Å3, R1= 0.0550, wR2 = 0.1383 for 6970 unique reflections used. The complex has a molecular structure. Neutral phosphoryltriamide ligands are coordinated to the metal ion in a bidentate manner via phosphoryl and carbonyl oxygen atoms with formation of six membered chelate rings. The coordination polyhedron of the Ce atom is a sphenocorona; C.N. = 10 (4 O[HL] + 6 O [NO3-]).

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